The Functional Wellness Clinic provides individualized, patient-centered healthcare by addressing root cause of disease and by restoring proper physiology in the pursuit of optimum health.
After an extensive history, thorough exam, and interpretation of appropriate labs a diagnosis and treatment plan is determined. Modifiable personal lifestyle enhancements will be prescribed once the antecedents, triggering events, and perpetrators contributing to the illness have been identified.
The patient is encouraged to be an active member of their wellness team with lifestyle improvements including personalized nutrition, exercise methods, sleep optimization, and stress management.
This empowering approach to healthcare offers patient independence and lifelong wisdom. While practical lifestyle recommendations are implemented, a specialized therapeutic treatment plan will be presented in manageable stages to best support pillars of health such as nutritional status, gastrointestinal balance, liver detoxification, hormones, immune response, and structural integrity.
The Functional Wellness Clinic is committed to maintaining an objective professional opinion without agenda or bias for the betterment of the patient.